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Why Ships and Marines Matter

Why Ships and Marines Matter

What They Do for Our World

The United States Navy has been a part of the American government since 1775, and Marines have been around for over two hundred years. They both serve to protect our country’s interests overseas and here at home. However, it is important to note that they are not the only organizations that perform these tasks. There are many other naval forces in other countries as well as coast guards that do similar jobs all over the world. Viking Marine will explore how ships and marines help us today and what their future may look like in an increasingly globalized world!

Viking Marine

The first thing that ships and marines do is represent the United States in other countries.

We will explore how ships and marines help us today and what their future may look like in an increasingly globalized world!

They are both very important to our country, but they aren’t the only organizations that perform these tasks.

First, they represent the United States in other countries. They are both very important to our country, but they aren’t the only organizations that perform these tasks . The Navy has been a part of the American government since 1775, and Marines have been around for over two hundred years. Each serve to protect our interests overseas as well as here at home. However it’s important to note that they’re not the only organization performing these task s all over the world; there are many naval forces in other countries as well as coast guards who also work on keeping up national security among other things globally.